About the Belgian National Lottery
The National Lottery’s mission is to organize public lotteries, betting, competitions and games of chance in Belgium in a socially responsible, reliable and safe way. These activities are organized via a dense network of more than 5,300 retail outlets (80% of them independents, 20% on framework contracts) that the company is required to continue to develop in pursuit of the goal set by the Belgian State of one retail outlet for every 1,200 adults while dealing with market constraints (the adverse situation for newsagents, diversification into petrol stations and general groceries, etc.).
Key figures
- Colonial Lottery established 1934 that became the National Lottery in 1962;
- almost 420 staff;
- more than 5,300 retail outlets (80% of them independents);
- 3 types of game: lottery draws, scratch cards and sports betting.
The challenge
The National Lottery’s sales management found that its development strategy was based on incomplete data and tools preventing it from performing its various missions effectively. Indeed, with limited analytical capabilities and no prospecting dimension, it is difficult to optimize retail outlet location or objectively evaluate the network’s performance.
The National Lottery, therefore, issued an invitation to tender to acquire an integrated decision support solution, a genuine geographical information system including cartographical analysis tools and up-to-date spatial, economic, socio-demographic and behavioral data to optimize the development of its network.
The solution brought by GEOCONCEPT
A comprehensive and personalized cartographical optimization solution
GEOCONCEPT provides the Belgian National Lottery with an upgradable cartographic optimization system comprising many solutions, among which Geoconcept Sales & Marketing, a dedicated geo-marketing solution with dynamic scenario creation and automatic report generation capability, Geoconcept GIS and its modules, and our geocoding solution Geoconcept Universal Geocoder.
“Apart from the quality of the relationship with GEOCONCEPT and their perfect understanding of our market constraints (GEOCONCEPT is also the solution provider for Française des Jeux), we were particularly attracted by the upgradability of the proposed solution. Indeed, the system’s kernel supports the addition of new modules as we become proficient in using geo-marketing”
Arnaud Hermesse, Sales Director at the National Lottery
The Geoconcept solution is made available to the head office sales team, regional office heads (the company has 8 regional offices in addition to the head office in Brussels), their deputies and the sales staff attached to these offices. A lighter version with a simplified interface is also developed to enable occasional users to navigate around the tool easily. This enables all users to access a common cartographic reference table with data centralized and updated weekly.
Discover Geoconcept Sales & Marketing
Discover Geoconcept GIS

White paper: Geo-Business Intelligence
Benefits and implementation of geography within business intelligence
Business Intelligence, as the name suggests is a practice to understand the right business drivers and factors to boost business & hence revenue. The practice of BI is now decades old and it has evolved and adapted to the global business scenario…
Context, how geography helps Business, definition and benefits of Geo-BI, how to implement Geo-BI.
"Users appreciate this tool’s performance (and the accuracy of the integrated data), customized to how they use it, be it consulting maps on PC or tablet, performing thematic analyses or publishing clear reports. Geo-marketing is very helpful to us in our decision-making process."
The Belgian National Lottery is developing a true sales intelligence system
Since the GEOCONCEPT system was implemented, the Belgian National Lottery is quickly stepping up a gear in its sales development strategy. A fully-fledged integrated decision support tool, the Geoconcept GIS enables analyses to be fine-tuned to street level accuracy, resulting in a professionalisation of its various missions, namely:
- sales prospecting: a clear view of the customer base and an accurate calculation of its development potential makes it possible to devise a targeted prospecting strategy;
- identifying retail outlet locations: the siting decision can be based on reliable analyses highlighting catchment area potential and the risk of cannibalization between retail outlets;
- analyzing game and retail outlet performance: the network being very dynamic, it is important to monitor specific indicators to re-evaluate retail outlet performance and their impact on neighboring retail outlets at regular intervals.
The Geoconcept solution has also enabled the National Lottery to establish itself in a new market segment: sports betting. Newsagents being the only businesses allowed under Belgian law to carry on this activity, the National Lottery has managed to establish a Belgium-wide grid for this new game enabling it to prospect efficiently for potential newsagent affiliates.
The prospect development don’t stop there. In addition to the forthcoming integration of information calculated by the geo-marketing cell within a comprehensive CRM, the Belgian National Lottery has also added the Geoconcept Territory Manager module to the existing solution so as to optimize sales sectoring by fairly distributing sales territories as a function of their development potential while also creating new sectors.

White paper: Commercial and logistical territory management
Definitions, methodology, analysis… This white paper aims to give you the keys to understand territory management principles and main interest for sales activities.