Collection and data processing
Users can make contact requests or downloads on the website, and subscribe to the GEOCONCEPT newsletter.
Depending on the services you subscribe, you will be asked to provide information, some mandatory and others optional.
GEOCONCEPT commits to protecting your privacy and protecting the information you provide.
Personal data collected on are exclusively for the use of the company GEOCONCEPT Group.
Using your right of access
In accordance with the French law “Informatique et Libertés”, dated 6 January 1978, you have the right to access, correct, modify and delete data about you. Declaration CNIL N° 1633769. You can use this right by sending an e-mail to:
For further information about the “Informatique et Libertés” law, please visit the CNIL website.
If you are subscribed to our Newsletter you may request to stop receiving them either as described below or by following the instructions at the bottom of each newsletter when you receive it.