Activity and summary reports

A powerful communication tool


Geomarketing provides operations staff and decision-makers with powerful and visually compelling analytical tools.

Activity and summary reports, sales results, generation of map catalogues… geomarketing reports communicate the right information to the right person in a visually compelling and summarised way. Reports for Geoconcept, a report design and generation module, allows comprehensive and customised reports to be generated quickly and easily.




Reports for Geoconcept features a powerful report publishing engine that enables any type of report to be generated easily and at any time.

Thanks to its mass-generation capabilities, the module increases productivity enabling mass-production or the reissuing of reports once the associated data have been updated. All that with just a few clicks of the mouse. To facilitate communication, the document so created can be distributed in numerous formats.


Bussiness sectors

Bussiness sectors

Based on the GIS kernel, the module can be accessed from Geoconcept Enterprise as well as from the full range of business and sectoral solutions :

Geoconcept Sales & Marketing, Geoconcept Dispatcher or Geoconcept Defence. Activity reports, scorecards, roadmaps, reference atlases, etc. Reports for Geoconcept adapts to every requirement.



Designing and publishing documents with rich and varied content is easy.

Dynamically linked with data manipulated in the GIS, the reports are enhanced with maps, tables, graphs, images, formulae… Specific pagination elements are also available.




Report design is entirely customised. With the help of wizards, the user defines his own report templates and applies them to the chosen objects (geographical selection, query, list).

The customisation tools available to him enable the user to build different groups of types that are simple to organise.