Ciblage d’opérations de prospection et de marketing direct
  • Do you advertize or provide direct marketing operations?
  • Are you responsible for defining a targeting strategy for campaigns involving mailshot and direct mail / printed matter, both unaddressed and addressed, piggy-back inserts, telephone, e-mails, sms, advertizing hoardings, etc.
  • Do you want to improve the efficiency of your prospecting activities?
Geographical intelligence eneables you to optimize your prospecting and customer retention activities: you are sending the right message to the right contact.

Geomarketing analysis enables you to cross-check your customers' data with the socio-demographic and geographical data of your target areas. This enables you to devise priority targeting strategies and deliver advertizing messages tailed to each customer profile.

You optimize the quality of your prospecting activities, improve response rates and control your costs.


Define your customer typology and your customer areas

Geography enables you to considerably enhance your customer knowledge. The geomarketing tool allows you to display all the customer data in your retentiton database and cross-correlate them with relevant external information (socio-demographic and behavioral data). This enables you to define accurae customer typologies providing the closest possible fit with reality.

Localisez vos zones de prospection prioritaires

Locate your priority prospecting areas

Comparing these customer profile typology detail with geographical data displays the highest potential areas on a cartographic medium, enabling you to conduct your prospecting activities.

For example: You can send out a message relating to garden maintenance products. You will be able to use the results of these studies to target your mailings at areas with a high density of detached houses and avoid areas mainly comprising collective housing units.
Another example: analysis of your sales indicates a high success rate against a high income population of males aged over 60. The use of socio-demographic and geographical data will enable you to display the areas in which this population is densest and to know where your customers are located.

Analyze your sales and prospecting activities

Analyzing the results of your most recent prospecting operations in terms of socio-demographic and geographical data will enable you to understand which areas and customer types are most receptive to your advertizing messages and to define the targeting of your next campaigns.        


Our solutions and data

GEOCONCEPT's geomarketing solutions cover all your geomarketing requirements as concerns analyzing prospecting areas and targeting advertizing.


Address geocoding solution

Accurately and precisely locating the geographical address of your customers, prospects and retail outlets is an indispensable step in obtaining reliable analyses.

Discover our geocoding solution Geoconcept Universal Geocoder


GEOCONCEPT offers a comprehensive range of cartographic, socio-demographic and geomarketing-specific data.

Discover all our geomarketing analysis data