Socio-demographic and behavioral data

Socio-demographic and behavioral data

Indispensable for knowing the population within your territory, this data from the various INSEE but also DGI censuses is available at different geographical levels (commune, IRIS).

  • Population, sex, age
  • Households
  • Habitat
  • Occupation, socio-professional category
  • Income


Thanks to INSEE’s ready-to-use and documented data pack, Geoconcept provides you with everything you need for intelligent integration and use of the data (pre-calculated ratio, user advice).


Contents of the pack :

  • Key census data (demographics, education, occupation, SPC, accommodation, family, households) including pre-calculated variables (ratios, rate of change…)
  • Permanent database of facilities (tally of businesses and services)
  • Revenue data

The typologies created from this raw data to make it more meaningful

These typologies enable you to make sense of a targeting campaign by focusing on your target customers, to understand your consumers’ movements or to anticipate the areas that will develop in future.

  • IRIS typology in accordance with socio-demographic, habitat, commercial density and wealth criteria
  • Areas of influence based on the attractiveness of the major centers. It models population movements depending on their place of work and type of consumption.
  • Tourist typology of towns : tourist intensity, type of tourism, level of prestige, tourist area (mountains, seaside, country...)
  • Mobility : road flows
  • Population estimate