Savings simulator

Save money and reduce your carbon footprint with GEOCONCEPT solutions!

The imperative to take account of economic and environmental issues requires optimization of one’s mobile teams. Adopting an optimization solution helps you make savings galore, and ensures a rapid return on investment.

Simulate your savings

Geographical optimization of your resources generates savings!

Mobile teams spend between 30 and 50% of their working day on the road. GEOCONCEPT solutions enable you to optimize appointment scheduling from your call center or appointment scheduling portal, automatically organize your teams’ diaries, strategically plan your long-term activity… and guarantee you save money.

Our customers’ testimonials

ROI and operational benefits: testimonials

  Since incorporating the tool it is now easier to define sectors and our project responsiveness has increased. We can also improve the ROI on the assignments we are awarded. This is a real asset for our clients.

Laura Sen, Business Intelligence Manager at Daytona

Up to + 50%

Up to + €300
of savings per resource per month

Up to - 25%
less mileage

Up to + 23%
annual turnover

Simulate your return on investment

Select the values corresponding to your company and in just 1 click calculate the average savings achieved by using GEOCONCEPT optimization solutions: financial savings, greater productivity, lower CO2 emissions.

Total annual costs and annual salary
Total annual costs and annual salary
Your savings1
  /month per vehicle
Your savings1
 /month per vehicle
Mileage savings1
 /month   € /day
Productivity savings1
 /month   € /day
CO2 emissions savings1
  kg/month     kg/day
Total savings2
 /month   € /day

1 Based on 30% lower mileage, 30% higher productivity for each employee by using our solutions, and on 0.11kg of CO2 emitted for each kilometer travelled. Non-contractually binding assumption. The regularly observed average is 30%. Using an average of 30% for the calculation gives you a realistic savings assumption.
2 The total savings are the sum of mileage savings and productivity savings.

Our range of optimization solutions

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