GEOCONCEPT launches the new mobile workforce scheduling solution Opti-Time 8.0
Flagship solution of range "Routing & Scheduling" of the editor and leading product of professional mobility market, Opti-Time 8.0 embodies a major milestone in the merger GEOCONCEPT / Opti -Time while combining the best of their technologies to optimize schedules.
GEOCONCEPT, designer of technologies for geographic optimization for professionals, announces today on Mobility for Business the launch of Opti-Time 8.0, the new version of its solution for optimizing schedules, flagship product of the new range Routing & Scheduling launched just a year ago following the merger of GEOCONCEPT with Opti-Time.
Flagship solution of range "Routing & Scheduling" of the editor and leading product of professional mobility market, Opti-Time 8.0 embodies a major milestone in the merger GEOCONCEPT / Opti -Time while combining the best of their technologies to optimize schedules.
GEOCONCEPT, designer of technologies for geographic optimization for professionals, announces today on Mobility for Business the launch of Opti-Time 8.0, the new version of its solution for optimizing schedules, flagship product of the new range Routing & Scheduling launched just a year ago following the merger of GEOCONCEPT with Opti-Time.
In order to respond better to all business problems, the sequel Opti -Time 8.0 remains available in 2 versions: Opti -Time GeoScheduling for optimization in real-time and Opti-Time Global GeoScheduling for a global optimization of schedules of several resources across days.
For Geoptimization of planning of resources
Full web solution, Opti -Time is a sequel software for geoptimisation of planning which manages the appointment schedules, interventions and deliveries. From taking appointments to the optimization of field tours, passing through the setting and the inclusion of work constraints, it offers a complete and customized solution to decision-makers and operational mobility for targeted, relevant, quick and less expensive interventions.
The version 8.0 of the sequel Opti-Time gets the best from the solutions from which it is derived and offers its share of changes:
- Improved ergonomics for a more fluid and current use,
- Integration of new constraints related to resources and interventions for a better management of activities: notion of cyclical positions (establishing schedule according to the resource profile for a period or a specific cycle, muti-site attachment adjustable per cycle, management of mixed interventions, preferences of days according to the type of intervention…),
- Taking into account new geographical criterias to improve planning (geographic concentration of actions: with the least possible extension ; optimization per packet ... )
- Real-time communication with mobile applications enhanced for greater field responsiveness,
- Use of Cloud to boost performance and reduce costs: the use of optimizing servers is self-adaptive and thus enabled only when the calculations are made,
- New reporting tools for better management and monitoring of activities…
"The interest of merging the technologies of GEOCONCEPT and Opti -Time is clearly to offer our clients the solution to optimize the most advanced market planning. It is a process which takes time and we are proud to present today the culmination of our first efforts to integrate ", explains Patrick Chauvel, Coordinator for optimization division of mobile forces within GEOCONCEPT.
The GEOCONCEPT Group is the result of the merger of GEOCONCEPT, Europe’s leading Geographic Information Systems provider, and professional planning software firm Opti-Time, making it one of the world leaders in mapping and optimization applications for businesses. It has revenues of €12 million.
GEOCONCEPT has been at the forefront of innovation ever since it was first established in 1990, using geographic information and optimization tools to devise geo-optimization: smart integration of geographic information in systems to optimize all kinds of activity. Innovation remains at the heart of the Group’s strategy, with one quarter of expenditure earmarked for R&D.
The benefits of geo-optimization apply in fields ranging from geomarketing to local administration, emergency response, mobile sales force management and more. Whatever their business, clients can integrate geographic optimization solutions and components, either directly or via one of the Group’s partner firms.
In France, the GEOCONCEPT Group has offices in Paris, Grenoble and Caen, as well as subsidiaries. in other countries: Chennai/India, Geneva/Switzerland, Madrid/Spain, and Shanghai/China.
Abroad, the GEOCONCEPT Group has strategic partners in London/Great Britain, Mexico/Mexico, São Paulo/Brazil, and Tokyo/Japan.
The GEOCONCEPT Group’s solutions are available in seven languages. Today, the Group has over 10,000 client references and over 105,000 licences deployed in a total of 35 countries. www.geoconcept.com