logo TourSolver Server

The planning and route optimization web service

Automation of the logistic chain, optimization of technicians’ journeys...

TourSolver Server, a route optimization web service, adds planning and geographical optimization features to existing information systems.

icône personnalisation métier

Constraint management

Customers, road network, drivers, vehicles

icône paramétrage

Advanced optimization

Route scheduling, planning

icône optimisation tournées

Simple to integrate

Accessible from all technical platforms

icône évaluation des gains

Easier to operate

Two operating modes, multi-node processing

Route optimization in your application

With TourSolver Server, a few clicks is all it takes for developers and integrators to create a personalized interface that is 100% integrated with existing solutions (TMS, ERP...).

A powerful optimization service

TourSolver Server determines the optimal scheduling of your calls and timetables while observing customer, resource, vehicle and road network constraints.

A comprehensive solution, business know-how

TourSolver Server enhances business processes: organization of deliveries, route optimization in addition to vehicle tracking on the Internet, appointment bookings optimized by a call center for a team of technicians...

Need other geographical services?

For even richer applications, Geoconcept Web provides complementary web services, accessible on a SOAP or REST basis: geocoding, cartographic display, route calculation, search around function...

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